How I use pinterest to come up with blog post ideas
On June 3, 2017 by Lauren ElkinsYou’re casually scanning through one of your favorite websites, jumping from article title to title when, bam! That article. That looks interesting. That could be a blog post on your site.
But, you don’t have the time to sit down and write immediately.
You don’t even have the time to read through the article right now.
You THINK you’re going to remember the details later that evening when you set aside some time to write and sit down at your computer, right? You think! And when you sit down, what happens? I end up checking Amazon’s Today’s Deals, hitting up the sales on, checking my Facebook notifications, scrolling through Twitter posts, reading the titles of news from my local news site, or going through emails.
What was that super rad idea I had earlier?
Stupid memory. No use to me!
Whether I’m on my phone, desktop, or laptop, if I see something that sparks a blog idea, I immediately save it to my secret Pinterest board. For me, mine is titled “working mom”. What would you title yours?
Helpful step: change the default description and write a note to yourself on how you would use the link or picture for a blog post.
I don’t always do that step so well. Boo, me. It’s pretty important so don’t be like me.
Pinterest sometimes shows me interesting content that I can add to my secret board because it crawls through my secret board. Obviously, that means the board isn’t very secret, but are we surprised here? Do we really think the things we post on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and so on are actually private? Nope. So I suppose that Pinterest employees may have decided to check on my secret board every now and then and steal all of my ideas. But! Can they write them as well as me? And, do they have a sweet action typewriter graphic to go with the post? I think not!
I also like to check out some shared writer boards on Pinterest. There’s tons of great content when you join those, plus you can share your own work to get more traffic, or generate feedback. Two boards that I am a part of and really like: Writers Promote Yourself and The Write Stuff. What boards do you like? How have you used secret boards to help in your writing process?
Now, if only Pinterest could also save all of my incredible ideas I have in the shower!
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I always knew Pinterest would reveal some redemptive quality.
Also, you’re smart.