Are We Too Fast for Awe?

Learning to feel awe again. We felt it often as children. How can I cultivate it again?

Last minute Christmas gifts for writers

14 unique gift ideas for writers (or anyone creative, really)

The things I love about my privilege to work from home

Working from home is a privilege. And I fully embrace what it provides me, as a working mom, and as a member of a global team.

Last minute Christmas gifts for the writer in your life

11 unique gift ideas for writers (or anyone creative, really)

Perused Internet Episode 2: meaning, joy, and detrimental individualism

Finding meaning and joy while individualism tries to steal them both.

Perused Internet Episode 1: SSH, A Vegas Tunnel, And The Freaky Future

This is the first post in my new series (so exciting, I know), based simply on what I find and spend time reading online. Let’s jump right in. See if you can find any common idea between all of the links because I can’t. SSH and security deep thoughts by Daniel Messler One of my

Financial Literacy Month: keeping track of payments by client

April is Financial Literacy Month so I wanted to share some things I’ve learned after working as a freelance writer for a few years . Running your own business requires managing your accounts and keeping track of it all for taxes, too! Income tax returns are the most imaginative fiction being written today. Herman Wouk

Financial Literacy Month for freelance writers: tracking business expenses

April is Financial Literacy Month and even though I’m a writer, this is an area where I am passionate. I’ve even taught a class on some areas of tracking finances (more on that in a post scheduled in two weeks). As a freelance writer, I realized that the number of cats I was herding increased

My system for getting things done (GTD): a physical board, Google Drive, Trello boards, and my notebook

Getting things done (GTD) makes an impact for me as a freelance writer, but also, as a human. Clutter hurts. It’s hard to admit that because I’m often sitting at a desk with piles to my right and left. I clear enough space to put down my coaster and caffeine of choice (Dr. Pepper Ten

How Airtable rocked my world with a payroll database, magazine editorial calendar, and easy, secured forms!

I am a new convert to the gospel of Airtable. Amen. It’s true. It makes me happy. Also, I am reminded that I miss the challenge of working with a database. I’m serious. I used to work with databases every day as a Business Analyst and it was my favorite part of my job. I

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